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On June 21st, over 300 students and volunteers from all over the country converged on Parma as the North Coast Mission Connection and Ridgewood United Methodist Church coordinated numerous service projects that blessed many local residents.

1907505_10153131362308800_4916996405042025485_nProjects involved free home repairs for the elderly and disabled in the city of Parma.  The services performed ranged anywhere from building wheelchair ramps to fixing leaky roofs to painting exteriors to reconstructing saggy porches.  When it was all said and done, an astounding 8,220 service hours were logged and 33 homes were rehabilitated by the group.  And if that weren’t remarkable enough, students participating in the work camp also donated 1,800 food items to the Parma Hunger Center.

Renita Nohejl, who served as Project Coordinator for the mission work camp along with her husband, Chuck Nohejl, expressed great gratitude for the support and collaboration shown by Parma Mayor Tim DeGeeter and the community in order to produce these results.

11222587_997140373650110_6492722531460396831_nMayor DeGeeter, earlier this year, committed to raising $19,000 to help cover the costs of the building materials needed.  The Parma City School District also opened the doors of Parma Senior High School to house the youth during their one-week stay.

The residents who received the home repair services were duly grateful.  Some of the feedback received show just how much of an impact these teens made on their lives.

“Restored my faith in youth.”

“All glory to the Lord – His light shining through them.”

“Wonderful week of my life.  Brought joy and happiness to my life.”


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