Bethany Lutheran Pays It Forward
Connection Newsletter - OCTOBER, 2015On Saturday, September 19th, Pay It Forward Cafe was blessed tremendously by the help of a some faithful volunteers from Bethany Lutheran Church in Parma. Donning T-shirts that said, “Live Generously” across the front, Lois McNabb, Debbie Bailey, and Carol Folmer actually lived out this statement by giving generously of their time, resources, and heart.
In collaboration with Thrivent Financial, Bethany Lutheran Church was able to purchase enough food to feed 60 plus patrons. The food – homemade perogies! – was then prepared by Tracey Tingler, member and resident chef for Bethany Lutheran Church.
We want to thank Bethany Lutheran Church and Thrivent Financial for their spirit of giving and partnership. It is through these efforts of collaboration that we can do more with less to better our community. Through programs like Pay It Forward Cafe, we not only are able to feed the belly, but we also feed the soul by showcasing the love of Christ to others in a very real, practical way.