Orphans in Parma Area
FEBRUARY, 2015This week there are 628 children who are legitimately orphaned in Cuyahoga county (1). What’s also troubling is the fact that there are 775 churches in this very same county (2), which means that there are actually more churches than there are orphaned children.
It’s probably not fair to cast such a grave responsibility on any one entity, but, as the Church, we must stop and consider what’s taking place right beneath our noses. As Christians, we can’t be passive about this for we have a clear mandate to actively care for the widows and the orphans (James 1:27). The question is what do we do?
At Community Ambassadors, we believe that it starts with talking about it. It’s not a lot, but we know that all great things start with a conversation. And so that’s what we’re asking for.
We know that not all people are called or equipped to foster or adopt, but we must all do our part in spreading awareness of this epidemic. The more it’s talked about among our congregations, the better the chance that a waiting child will find a forever family in a good, Christian home.
There are so many unknowns and myths about fostering and adopting that scare people from ever pursuing it. Fortunately, though, there are resources and tools that are right at our fingertips to help those that might have questions or need support.
If you have someone in your congregation that is considering fostering or adopting a child, please have them contact us at (740) 675-6155. We can help answer questions and pair them with the local resources they need.
In the meantime, will you consider posting the following Stop The Wait flyer? By clicking on the graphic, you will download the printable PDF.
Together, we can make a difference. We must.
For more information about the Stop The Wait campaign, please click HERE.
1) http://cfs.cuyahogacounty.us/en-US/statistics-reports.aspx
2) http://www.city-data.com/county/religion/Cuyahoga-County-OH.html