Statements We Align To

FOCUS: Greater Collaboration, Empowered Lives, Stronger Families, Better Communities!

To promote and facilitate greater collaboration in order to effectively empower lives, strengthen families and build better communities.

STRATEGY: Our strategy is two-fold: Community and Churches.

  1. Community: Engaging, enriching, and empowering the local community in practical, strategic, and effective ways through service and collaboration – pairing available resources to apparent and legitimate needs.
  2. Churches: Collaborating with the Body of Christ by informing, inspiring, serving, equipping, and mobilizing local churches to effectively and harmoniously function as an epicenter of faith, hope, and love to their communities.



  1. Engage: To make the connection – engaging the community in order to learn of legitimate needs through intentional conversations and research. In so doing, striving for opportunities to serve, endeavoring to meet people at their point of need, regardless of background, circumstance, or identity. Also, collaborating with other local resources – churches, businesses, schools, city administration, civic groups and residents – in order to bring the most appropriate, most effective solutions to known needs.
  2. Enrich: To grow with others – providing resources and environments for life-development and spiritual care. Cultivating relationships that promote physical, emotional, social, and spiritual health. Supplying relevant support, training, and enrichment that helps people move forward in life – with themselves, their family, and God.
  3. Empower: To inspire, equip, and provide opportunities to serve. To develop individuals in order that they may become productive and powerful, and that they may also empower others to become the same – Ambassadors in their community.


  1. Inform: To build awareness of community needs and to inform of local service opportunities.
  2. Inspire: To promote unity and harmony among the Body of Christ. To encourage church leaders as they serve and extend themselves to their communities. To cultivate dialogue of Kingdom-mindedness among the churches.
  3. Serve: To assist, support, and collaborate with local churches and their missional activities. To help connect churches to their community, to other local resources, and to other local churches.
  4. Mobilize: To provide churches opportunities to exercise compassion and serve their community.
  5. Equip: To assist and train local churches who are interested in starting or developing a servant ministry in their community.

Community Sponsors

Community Partners
Contact Details

Community Ambassadors
7230 Pickerington Rd.
Canal Winchester, OH 43110
(740) 675-6155