Ministerial Forum

Former PCSD Superintendent Dr. Jeff Graham addresses area pastors regarding school issues
In collaboration with the Parma Area Family to Family Collaborative, Community Ambassadors coordinates a quarterly forum with the local area pastors and church leaders.
The purpose of these forums is to:
- Forward information, tools, and resources that help strengthen the local Church’s effort in serving the community
- Identify needs and challenges within our community
- Discuss possible and available untapped resources that may effectively address those needs and challenges
- Explore ways that churches can get involved with community projects and events

Cuyahoga County officials attend a Ministerial Forum to discuss the local foster and adoption needs
It goes without saying, collaboration gets more done! If you are a pastor or church leader in the Parma area and have not had the opportunity to attend one of these meetings, we encourage you to join us at our next forum.
The next meeting will be held at:
Holy Family Hospice
6707 State Rd.
Parma, OH 44134
The next Ministerial Forum will be held on:
Monday, September 19, 2016
"*" indicates required fields

Community Ambassadors Co-Director Jeremy Kiner & Father John Nakonachny of St. Vladimir Cathedral enjoying breakfast and conversation before a Ministerial Forum
Parma Area Churches & Public Schools
Below is a map of the churches in the Parma and surrounding area, as well as the 14 schools in the Parma City School District and 5 schools in the Parma Community Constellation System.
Click on icon to see name and address of church/school. = Churches
= PCSD Schools
= Charter Schools