Connection Newsletter FEBRUARY 2014
- To inspire & inform local pastors & church leaders -
by Jeremy Kiner, Co-Director
2014 is now in full gear, but I would like to take a quick look back on 2013 and share with you what Community Ambassadors was able to accomplish by the grace and favor of God, and because of the amazing spirit of collaboration that abounds within the Parma area community.
Since 2010, our mission has been to serve our community as resident ambassadors (2 Cor. 5:20), engaging, enriching, and empowering our residents and families to help build a stronger, healthier community. Last year, our mission came alive through programs like Pay It Forward Cafe, our weekly food outreach that served nearly 2,600 meals to residents and families that are facing challenging and uncertain times. We also held 5 HEROES (Fatherhood Initiative) events throughout the community, with over 400 dads and kids attending; conducted 3 area-wide ministerial forums, assisted in 2 rounds of the Families And Schools Together (FAST) program; awarded a $500 scholarship to a local PCSD student; provided over 120 students with school supplies and backpacks; adopted 4 families in need during the holidays; and, in conjunction with the Parma Heights Baptist Church, offered a free Homework Center each week at Parmatown Mall. We also launched a community-level initiative to help raise awareness on the growing foster and adoptive care needs in our local area.
These programs and initiatives were not made possible because of state grants or any large sources of funding. Rather, they were made possible because of the collaboration and commitment of our local churches, school district, city administration, area businesses, many, many dedicated volunteers, and the overall favor of our city. Without these partnerships, we simply would not have been able to do what we did in 2013. We have witnessed firsthand that you can accomplish a whole lot more with a whole lot less when a community comes together and cares for their own. In fact, since our incorporation, 2013 was actually our leanest year financially, yet we accomplished more than we ever have, which is a true testament to God’s provision and the power of collaboration. (Please review our 2013 revenue and expenditures below.)
As we look forward into 2014, we are very excited about what the future holds for the Parma area. As many of you know, however, the immediate road ahead bears some uncertainty for us. Due to the redevelopment project at Parmatown Mall, effective April 1, we will be forced to relocate. We still are in the process of trying to find and secure an alternate location for us to keep our programs alive within the community, so we need all the prayer and support that we can get right now.
Regardless of what lies ahead, though, our mission will still remain, and that is to keep doing whatever it takes to help meet the needs of our community, whenever, wherever, and however. Our desire is to be an asset to our society, filling in the gaps where we can and doing our best to be an effective contributor. Ultimately, through everything we do, we want to see people and families move forward in their life, finding hope and discovering that there’s far more than just the here and now. For some, that starts with a plate of food or a backpack full of school supplies. For others, it’s simply our time unselfishly given. We can all make a difference, if we really want to. And as one of the directors of Community Ambassadors, I declare, I want to. It’s our community. It’s our commitment.
Jeremy Kiner
Channel 5 News Report: Due to Parmatown redevelopment, Pay It Forward Cafe will have to find a new location.
Financial contributions to Community Ambassadors are always greatly appreciated and help to underwrite the many programs and initiatives offered throughout our community. To donate online, please use the safe and secure Paypal link below:
Mailing Address: PO Box 29429, Parma, OH 44129
Community Ambassadors is a registered
501(c)(3) nonprofit organization.
Saturday // 6:30 PM - HEROES Father & Kid Movie Night
Parma Area Family Collaborative - 11212 Snow Rd., Parma
Thursday // 3-5 PM - Mobile Food Pantry
Parma Area Family Collaborative - 11212 Snow Rd., Parma
Monday // 7:00 PM - Mayor DeGeeter State of the City Address
Parma-Snow Cuyahoga Public Library - 2121 Snow Rd., Parma
Thursday // 8:15 AM - Parma Area Family Collaborative Meeting
Parma Area Family Collaborative - 11212 Snow Rd., Parma
Thursday // 11:30 AM - PCSD State of the Schools Address
Parma High School / Rees Room - 6285 W. 54th St., Parma
Wednesday // 8:30 AM - Parma Area Ministerial Forum
Parma Area Family Collaborative - 11212 Snow Rd., Parma