Connection Newsletter JULY 2013

Meet the Piper Patch!


At our Ministerial Roundtable in February, a group from the Department of Family and Children Services brought to our attention the immediate need for more foster and adoptive parents here in Cuyahoga County. Up until this meeting, most pastors in the room had no idea we had an epidemic on our hands. In fact, as it stands, there are approximately 600 children right now in our communities who are in need of a permanent family.


Check out this video of one local couple, the Piper’s, who recently decided to adopt two brothers, Shawn and Logan. They attend the Vineyard Church in Parma Heights, pastored by Tom Wadsworth. The Piper’s show us how the orphan problem can be fixed - one child at a time. Or in their case, two children at a time!

Our Mission

Contact Us

Community Ambassadors is a Christ-centered, compassion-driven nonprofit organization committed to promoting and facilitating greater collaboration in order to effectively empower lives, strengthen families, and build better communities.


Phone: (216) 200-7030

Address: PO Box 29429
                       Parma OH  44129

Community Events


Friday // 6-9PM - Father/Child Fishing Night - Lakeview Church of God at 7555 York Rd., Parma, OH, 44130

Wednesday // 8:30 AM - Ministerial Round Table - 11212 Snow Road in Parma