Connection Newsletter OCTOBER 2013

Discipleship through Mentorship

by Aaron Powell, Co-Director

In 2 Timothy 2:2 Paul urges Timothy to teach what he has been taught to others so that they may then go and teach. This isn’t the only passage in the Bible that exhorts men to mentor and disciple younger generations, but this passage illustrates perfectly how we are to disciple others. Modeling for others how to live their lives was the reason Christ came to earth. After reading that sentence you may think, “no He came to die on a cross and become the sacrifice for our sins” and you are right. However before He was crucified, Jesus was praying in the Garden of Gethsemane and He makes the following statement:


John 17:4…I have finished the work which thou gavest me to do.


He did come to reconcile a debt that none of us could ever pay, but while he walked the earth His work was to take 12 men and turn them into world changers. He poured Himself into them and modeled for them how they should conduct themselves in all matters.                       

I believe the men of this generation are crying out for Godly mentors to do the same for them. They are searching silently for men that will come alongside them and demonstrate what it means to be a husband, a father, a businessman, and a leader.  The family has never been under greater attack than it is today but we already know who wins this battle. Let us fight together and look for ways to reach the men of this community and build them up so they can take back their homes.




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