Connection Newsletter JANUARY 2014

- To inspire & inform local pastors & church leaders -

2014: Community Redefined

by Jeremy Kiner, Co-Director

For most people, the month of January is a time spent on reflection and revision.  Looking behind, we assess the negatives, recount the positives; then look ahead, conceiving a future full of greater outcomes than the year before.  It is a time of resetting the score, hitting that metaphoric do-over button, reviving passion, renewing vision, and redefining our goals and strategies.


Jeremy KinerAs we launch into 2014, I look ahead with great optimism, believing that this will be a year of community and collaboration at its best.  I also believe that the local churches will be instrumental in leading and guiding transformative change, providing untapped resources and new strategies that will effectively address our community’s greatest needs and challenges, more so than anything we’ve ever seen before.


But, oh, how I wish my sheer optimism were enough! Unfortunately, a goal without a plan is nothing but an elusive dream.  Optimism must have feet.  Philippians 2:31 says, “For God is working in you, giving you the desire and the power to do what pleases him.”  In other words, God doesn’t just give you the desire. He also equips you with the knowledge, wisdom, and strength to bring that righteous desire to fruition.  My desire in 2014 is to see the love and power of Jesus Christ manifested throughout our community in unparalleled fashion.  That is why I’ve outlined two imperatives below that will help focus our discussion and ensure we avoid stagnation in 2014.  I believe these two imperatives are key to the local churches making an unprecedented impact on our community.


1. Redefining the What

With each new year, inevitably, we experience a whole new set of needs in our community.  Last year’s problems, as well as their corresponding solutions, may not be this year’s problems and solutions.  It is imperative, therefore, that we come up with a shared definition (or redefinition) of what  we believe should be the target of our collective efforts.  Assumption is perhaps one of the biggest success-killers.  When we set the wrong targets, even if we then hit them, we have still failed to be effective.  Vague targets are equally disadvantageous.  Only evidence-based, clearly-defined, shared objectives will lead to effective solutions and successful outcomes.


2. Redefining the How

Of the two, defining the “what” is generally the easier part. Figuring out the “how,” on the other hand, can be tricky and even humbling. I say humbling, because we must first come to grips with the fact that we can’t solve all of our community’s challenges alone. Even the best of ministries and programs fall short of the target without the interlinking efforts of others and their respective resources.  It’s also humbling to admit when we don’t know how to fix the problem. Just because you don’t know how to address the orphan crisis or the homelessness epidemic that’s affecting our community shouldn’t negate you from being engaged with the issue.  At the same time, just because your organization has limited to no funding shouldn’t deter you from being a part of the solution process, let alone the conversation.


I alone am not able to ascertain all the pieces and parts to the “how.”  Nor can you.  We can, however, be confident that one key ingredient to this process is the linking and cooperation of various sectors, initiatives, ministries, technologies and systems in achieving the most comprehensive and effective community solutions.  The longer I work in the community, the more it becomes evident to me that activities and resources beyond those already being provided by “the usual contributors” are vital to success.  The bottom line is we need more contributors and more collaboration in order to redefine and formulate solutions that make more sense, are sustainable, and help our community grow.


Once we identify our targets, we can start strategizing how we will hit them, collectively and collaboratively.  Inevitably, we must align our efforts if we really want to accomplish meaningful, transformative change in our community in 2014.  Through a collaborative, cross-sectoral effort - a true community collective - I assure you we will see things accomplished in our community that we never dreamed of before.


If you are asking yourself, “What can I do?”, I implore you to contact us via email at or call 216-200-7030. I also want to encourage you to attend our next Ministerial Forum coming up on March 5 (more details to come).  We are here to serve you and partner with you and your church to reach our community with the faith, hope, and love of Jesus Christ.  On behalf of Community Ambassadors, I want to wish you and yours a very blessed and prosperous New Year!

Jeremy Kiner

Our Mission

Community Ambassadors is a Christ-centered, compassion-driven nonprofit organization committed to promoting and facilitating greater collaboration in order to effectively empower lives, strengthen families, and build better communities.

Community Ambassadors is a Christ-centered, compassion-driven nonprofit organization committed to promoting and facilitating greater collaboration in order to effectively empower lives, strengthen families, and build better communities.  Independent of any government funding and/or church affiliation, Community Ambassadors works hand-in-hand with those across many sectors within the community, including churches, businesses, schools, city administration, civic groups and residents.

Community Events

JAN 23

JAN 24

Contact Us

Thursday // 8:15 AM - Parma Area Family Collaborative Meeting

Parma Area Family Collaborative - 11212 Snow Rd., Parma

Friday // 8:00 AM - C/B/S Partnership Meeting

Parma-Snow Cuyahoga Public Library - 2121 Snow Rd., Parma


Phone:     (216) 200-7030

Saturday // 6:00 PM - PACC Pride Award Gala

Carrie Cerino's Ristorante - 8922 Ridge Rd., North Royalton

 JAN 25

Address:  PO Box 29429,

                    Parma OH  44129